Our Lifestyle Sales Manager
When we asked Kim what she liked best about working at Amblebrook, she was quick to answer that it centers on the people she meets. Most of all, she loves hearing stories—about your lives, careers, children, grandkids, hobbies, interests, and dreams. That talk about hobbies and interests made us think it would be fun to hear more about Kim’s story. We learned that Kim has a cockerpoo named Molly who happens to share her birthday with Kim’s mother. As it turned out, that birthday connection was all it took for Kim to convince her husband that they could keep Molly, who has been a special part of the family ever since. As someone who loves communicating with people, it’s no surprise that Kim knows sign language and has enjoyed communicating with occasional deaf visitors to Amblebrook. While Kim describes her sign language fluency as “a bit rusty,” our kind guests have helped her fingerspell her way though many fun conversations at the Visitor Center. When we asked Kim to share her favorite thing to do in and around Gettysburg, she instantly recalled visiting the outlets at Christmastime. According to Kim, with great values, unique stores, and many seasonal events happening under magical lights, shopping becomes a truly enjoyable experience. Before we wrapped up our conversation, we learned one more fun fact about Kim. She’s an Elvis Presley Fan who has loved the King of Rock and Roll ever since she was a little girl. Now that you know more about Kim’s story, be sure to ask her about Elvis, Molly, or holiday shopping in Gettysburg the next time you talk. You can catch up with her on the phone, online, by sign language, and more!